Highlight 23
• Professional Development Through Call Analysis
- Record specific types of calls for 15 minutes, 2-3 times per week
- Review recordings after hours to maintain objectivity
- Write down specific areas for improvement
- Post reminders about improvements needed in visible locations
- Focus on one segment/aspect at a time
• Segmented Approach to Recruiting Calls
- Break down recruiting calls into 8 distinct segments rather than viewing as one process
- Practice and perfect individual segments separately
- Components include:
- Identifying potential companies
- Getting calls returned
- Selecting marketable candidates
- Opening/first 25 words
- Positioning the candidate
- Presenting the candidate
- Closing
- Handling rebuttals
• Call Return Strategy Framework
- Develop multiple tested messages rather than using one standard approach
- Test messages systematically over 100 attempts each
- Track return rates to measure effectiveness
- Vary message ordering to optimize response
- Consider variables like:
- Voice tone and intonation
- Personality differences between recruiters
- Client/candidate differences
• Deliberate Practice Methodology
- Break skills into component parts
- Focus practice on weaker areas
- Incorporate specific feedback
- Use role-playing exercises
- Record and review performance
- Get external evaluation when possible
• Professional Development Process
- Study foundational materials thoroughly
- Practice specific segments individually
- Incorporate role playing with feedback
- Record and analyze real calls
- Make adjustments based on data
- Continue measuring and improving
• Candidate Marketing Framework
- Different criteria for “marketable” vs “placeable” candidates
- Strategic company identification process
- Structured approach to get calls returned
- Specific candidate presentation format
- Planned rebuttals for common objections
- Follow-up process